🏰🏡🔑Three generators have been updated
Medieval Fantasy City Generator, Village Generator and Dwellings have been updated. All three updates are quite small, hence a single post to announce them all...
🔑Dwellings 1.3.6: advanced export again and abstract furniture
So now I decided to try again here the trick with abstract furniture from my "Dark Clues" game (from which Dwellings has grown out)...
🔑Dwellings 1.3.5: visual and UI improvements
A new toolbar is added at the top left corner of the generator window, which is always visible both in the plan and elevation modes...
🏡Village Generator 1.6.4: crossroads and numbered houses
Using the new "crossroads" tag, you can now request a village at a highway intersection (a crossroads or a T-junction). This was much harder to implement than I expected...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.11.4: forests
When MFCG was first released... one of the first requested features was the ability to add surrounding forests. All this time people kept asking about them and finally forests are here...
🔑Dwellings generator is now a part of Procgen Arcana
It's official: Dwellings is now a part of the Arcana, replacing Procgen Mansion as the set's "building generator". This means that not only...
⛏️Cave Generator 2.1.3: new shape options
Using the new "tight" tag, you can ask the generator to spawn individual map areas (i.e. caves or groves) as close to each other as possible...
🏡Village Generator 1.6.2: shading
The ground is now drawn shaded: sun-facing slopes are highlighted and the opposite ones are darkened. In a sense, this feature functionally duplicates hachures, but unlike hachures...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.11.2: small improvements and bug fixes
...It is not very obvious, but bays are generated differently now and they're a bit more diverse. The downside of this change is that...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.6.5: fjords and curved labels
Using the new "fjord" tag you can request a map of a fjord-like region. Initially I thought that simply "inverting" a peninsula would be enough, but...
⛏️Cave/Glade Generator is now a part of Procgen Arcana
...It's a sort of symbolic change of status, because in practice, it's just one more way to access Cave Generator and one less way to access Neighbourhood Generator...
⛏️Cave Generator 2.1.1: assorted new features
This is a preparatory update for adding the generator to Procgen Arcana, so it consists mostly of small QoL improvements. It also includes...
🏡Village Generator 1.6.1: palisades in JSON and small visual improvements
The result is palisades that look more like smooth, low garden walls (made of stone or something), than rows of wooden stakes...
🏡Village Generator 1.6.0: palisades
The only new feature of this update is palisades. To request a village surrounded by a palisade, select the appropriate tag in the Tags (Map parameters) dialog...
🏡Village Generator 1.5.4: spotlight and improved roads
Spotlight is a new feature of the generator that allows you to apply a soft radial gradient to a map, making its focus brighter and its periphery darker...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.11.1: improved map labels
A new algorithm for curved labels is now used. The previous algorithm was my own invention and it worked surprisingly well considering how random were the assumptions it was built on...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.11.0: roof details and district view
It is now possible to zoom to a district making it fill the whole viewing area and hiding everything around it...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.10.2: alleys view
There are two types of roads in the city generator: relatively wide major roads running from a city centre to the edges of a map and narrow minor roads or alleys...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.6.4: improved islands and peninsulas
The resulting islands tend to be more elongated and often bent, with a more prominent ridge. An unexpected and interesting effect is that...
📍Neighbourhood Generator 1.2.1
There are no new exciting features in this version of NG, but it should be faster and more stable now. There are a few small changes to the way stuff is drawn here...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.10.1
This update doesn't add any new features compared to 0.10.0-alpha, but it fixes a good part of the issues that prevented me from...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.6.3: improved forests
Forest "clouds" are now complemented by segments of tree sprites along their front (bottom) edges, implying something like oblique projection...
Collection of styles for 🏡Village Generator
And here is a collection of styles for Village Generator. It's exactly the same as the one for Perilous Shores, so...
Collection of styles for ☠️Perilous Shores
A page with styles for Perilous Shores have been added to Procgen Arcana. It's pretty short, but I'm planning to add more over time...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.6.1: tributaries
As usual, there are much more new features in this update, than just tributaries mentioned in the title. Most of those features are water-related, but...
🏡Village Generator 1.5.3: new water features and other additions
My original plan was to make this update focused solely on one of the areas specified before. However, it happened so that...
Plans for the 🏡Village Generator
Here is a list of features I'd like to implement in this generator soonish. These are things that I am interested in adding for one or more reasons and...
🏡Village Generator 1.5.2: improved rivers and bridges
Rivers used to look like slightly bent stripes. Now they meander. Occasionally, you may encounter rivers which flow almost straight or...
🏡Village Generator 1.5.1: ponds and improved farm fields
It is now possible to generate village maps with small ponds in the centre. Usually, there is only one round pond, but sometimes 2-3 of them are spawned...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.10.0-alpha
Please note the word "alpha". It means that this version is just a preview and it doesn't replace the current stable version 0.9.2...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.6.0: archipelagoes, adding and removing towns
I like archipelago maps in general and archipelago maps produced by the generator seem adequate to me. There is a problem though...
🏡Village Generator 1.5.0: non-square maps and isolated villages
Non-square maps are... the most important addition in this update and it took much time to implement and debug it...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.5.3: improved towns and woods
In this update, town descriptions are replaced by information about resources which are abundant or scarce there (inspired by Aaron R. Reed's Skycrawl)...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.5.2: improved mountains
My goal here was to make mountains look more natural, both as individual peaks and (more importantly) as large areas or ridges...
⛏️Cave/Glade Generator 2.0.2: water
There is just one new feature in this update and this feature is water... No "card" for this generator, nor a dedicated description page though...
🏡Village Generator 1.4.0: village square and orchards
The generator finds a place on a map with high population density... Then it creates a circle of a reasonable size at that location and distorts it a little...
🏰Medieval Fantasy City Generator 0.9.2: assorted new features and improvements
Same as in the neighbourhood and village generators, you can now open any building on a map in Procgen Mansion....
🗝️One Page Dungeon Generator 1.2.4: assorted new features and improvements
Some connection cells (usually in corridors) are drawn as stairs. This hints that some parts of the dungeon are situated lower than others...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.5.1: vantage point and other visual features
Some time ago (over a year ago, actually!) I experimented with what I called a "perspective view" back then...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.5.0: area labels and conlang toponyms
The main feature of this update is area labels. Conlang toponyms are a sort of supporting feature...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.4.2: labels and improved geometry
Previously I wrote about my plans to get rid of the legend in favour of map labels. In this update, I started to execute those plans...
🏡Village Generator 1.3.0: new trees and buildings
A new method of drawing trees unimaginatively called "Improved" is added. Of a group of trees the outer ones are drawn...
📍Neighbourhood Generator 1.2.0: new template, integration with mansions, lots of visual changes
Neighbourhoods of this type contain one or more concentric ring roads...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.4.1: compass rose and other visual changes
All the changes are purely visual (the generation process hasn't changed), most of them are small, but there is quite a few of them...
🗝️One Page Dungeon Generator 1.2.3: custom notes and rear entrances
It is now possible not only to edit existing notes, but also to delete them and add new ones...
☠️Perilous Shores 1.4.0: non-square maps, bays and peninsulas
Aspect ratio is not requested explicitly, instead it's done via entering required width and height...
🏡Village Generator 1.2.8: integration with Procgen Mansion
Right-click any building on a map, choose "Open in PM" in the context menu and this building will be opened in Procgen Mansion...
🏠Procgen Mansion 2.1.2: permalinks
Apart from a handful of tiny fixes and improvements, there are just a couple of changes in this update...
Procgen Arcana
Watabou's Procgen Arcana is a new website for five most popular generators I work on...